Sunday, January 13, 2008

for those who know me...

I was reading over my "about me" section and started thinking, I do love the outdoors however it has been way too long since I have really been outdoors they way I used to. I hope to change that especially when my daughter gets old enough to go on camping trips and other outdoor adventures. Then I can take her out with me, and start to pass on the knowledge I have learned about what we come across out there.

Anyway I didn't want to come across as a complete outdoorsy type of fellow when lately I have been far from it, not regrettably so either, until recently all I did was work outside and on my free time the last thing I wanted to do was "go outside" .

So Why am I adding such a post you ask? Well check out a
I went to high school and college with Randy and he is still hiking away like we did WAY back then.

Well I better run and feed my always hungry child o'mine

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